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Announcing: A Fistful of Pie!

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We’ve just launched our new website for our upcoming game A Fistful of Pie!

Our new physical card game is an educational card game aimed at kids, providing a fast & fun way to practice fractions. The 72 card deck supports lots of different ways to play including 5 different rules sets as well as being usable as flash cards for practice.

Our concept for the new game was to make a versatile deck, based on fractions, that could be used in lots of different ways, allowing us as designers, as well as players, to rediscover card mechanics. Our new website for the game will host an ever-growing library of rules as we develop new games, and as we support player submissions of the rules they come up with. With each of us bringing our own piece, we’ll end up with a whole lot of fun!

The game is currently in the prototype testing stage, we hope to get feedback from kids, parents and educators to make whatever tweaks are necessary to make it the best game it can be, and then we’ll figure out the next steps to launch! You can follow us on twitter to keep up to date on developments: