We are proud to announce our brand new grant program for aspiring game developers – the Massive Sacks of Cash Grant.
This grant is designed to do exactly what aspiring game developers need – whatever that is.
We’re going to choose one applicant that we’re going to give $500 a month to. They use that money however they want or need. For one year we’re there to help make things happen. Whether they just need help paying the rent, to help them buy supplies, pay for licenses, buy assets, hire people, advertise, or play games for inspiration. Its there money, they use it how they want and need so they can do their best work.
???? A Basic Income
This grant was inspired by the concept of a Universal Basic Income (or UBI). It’s a radical not-so-new idea about how society can work in the digital era. If everyone gets a basic level of income they can make sure they are fed, housed and clothed. Then they can spend their working effort trying to achieve more. We cut out the fear and struggle to stay afloat. We give people a guarantee that they can survive. Then they can focus on thriving. We believe in this principle.
While our grant is a far cry from universal, the basic income we will provide our recipient will help them focus on thriving. They’ll have more time, energy and resources to throw at their problems or reach for their goals. We’d love to provide more money and provide it to more people, but for now the budget is pretty limited. So consider this a test run. We’ll see how this goes and hopefully we can improve on it in time. Hopefully someday, society will catch up to this idea and a UBI will be available so our grant can become something even more. With automation growing we’re going to need radical new(ish) ideas to solve our problems. Right now we need to invest in innovation so we can have a brighter future as we transition to a society built on new technology, new ideas and new opportunities.
???? Innovating a New Economy
While we would love to have a bigger monthly pay out, and more recipients, Massive Corporation Game Studio is committed to doing what we can to support the development of the video game industry in Saskatchewan and support our fellow aspiring creators. We believe in the talent, vision and creativity of our friends and neighbours and know if they can get the support they need they can deliver beautiful, entertaining and thoughtful projects that can build a brighter future for our province.
Regina and Saskatchewan may not have much of a game industry now, but if we don’t invest in developing talent, we’re never going to grow. Massive Corporation believes in the people of this province. We’re here to help. We’re not going to just give lip service and empty promises. We’re putting down our own money to help make people’s dreams come true.
The more young developers can focus on honing their craft the faster our province and city can build the kind of experienced talent pool needed to build products and companies that will not only provide jobs, but generate and keep profit here. Locally-owned-and-operated game development, creating unique intellectual property, not just more foreign-owned crunch farms.
???? More Information
In its inaugural year the grant program will provide one recipient a steady monthly cash flow to help cover their living expenses so they can better pursue their dreams of developing video games. The recipient will receive a $500 Canadian payment every month for 1 year. This use of this money is solely at the discretion of the recipient, as long as they are working toward releasing a video game of their own creation (including team projects if the recipient is an owner of the company developing the game).
All rights are retained by the recipient of the grant, Massive Corporation Game Studios does not claim any ownership, dues, payments, repayments, or any other financial or legal obligations against the recipient. The recipient receives the grant and can use it to create their own projects in their own way, retaining all intellectual property and benefits therefrom. All information submitted for the application process will be held in confidence and not shared, sold, transmitted to any third parties except as warranted by law. Recipients are asked to fill in a short form survey each month to inform how the grant is working, what challenges are being encountered and other feedback to inform future grants.
For Massive Sacks of Cash 2020 applications are being accepted from December 10th to January 10th. The chosen recipient for the program will begin receiving payments January 31st 2020 and continue receiving monthly grant payments until the final payment December 31st 2020.
???? Apply Today
Applicants for the Massive Sacks of Cash Grant must be residents of Saskatchewan, of legal age and be legally free to develop their own video game projects (they must not have any intellectual property ownership or non-compete clause containing contracts in effect that could affect their ability to work on or release games). Applicants must remain residents of Saskatchewan and must complete short monthly surveys to continue receiving the grant. Applicants must consent to use of their personal, company and product names and likenesses being used by Massive Corporation Game Studio to promote the Massive Sacks of Cash Grant. Applicants may be asked to make some media appearances or interviews to promote the Massive Sacks of Cash Grant .
If you are interested in applying for the Massive Sacks of Cash Grant please apply through this form: APPLICATION FORM
If you would like to know more or support our initiative, please contact us at (cash) at this url.